Ideas for eco-friendly everyday and travel companions
Designing sustainable water bottles with individual prints
Not only for ourselves but also for future generations, a responsible approach to planet Earth should be a matter of course. Already with many little things you can help to protect the environment and thus be a role model for family, friends and acquaintances. In your daily life as well as traveling, choosing your own water bottle is one of many ways to live more sustainably. We will give you tips on how to become heroes of your everyday life with your individual SIGG water bottle.
Everyday life starts with small decisions
Whether at home, in the office or at school and at the university: Small deeds can make great things happen. Using the SIGG water bottle, you will be making a good choice in any case. As it is produced without any pollutant plastic, you will not be harming yourself or the environment. The SIGG bottle is sturdy, easy to stow away and, unlike glass bottles, very light. Having said this, the biggest advantage is that you can refill the bottle over and over again, and thus will not burden the environment with the purchase of plastic bottles.
With a favourite photo motive and your favourite saying, you can customize the water bottle at ifolor and inspire others in your community.

Other useful and easy tips for sustainability in everyday life include:
- instead of plastic bags use cloth bags (offered, for example, by many retailers) – it’s best to always have them with you in your purse or backpack
- buy fresh and regional produce (e.g. at the weekly farmer’s market)
- cook fresh food instead of buying ready meals (mostly packed in plastic)
- avoid plastic in general: use your own water bottles and containers when you are on the move, replace plastic disposable items with sustainable and recyclable materials (metal straws, wooden toothbrushes, etc.)
- pay attention to the quality labels and brand name labels of suppliers
- keep old jars/containers and have them refilled (e.g. in stores selling unpacked items)
Tips for environmentally conscious traveling
When you travel, sustainability is also an important topic. Not only flora and fauna, but also the people in cities deserve a mindful and responsible treatment. These principles are also the core idea of so-called “soft” or sustainable tourism.
Especially if you are traveling at greater distance and for a longer period of time, the refillable and lightweight aluminum water bottle from SIGG will become your best travel companion. Thanks to the clever lid, the bottle can be attached to the backpack in no time with a snap hook. Whether you want to do yoga on the beach or climb mountains - the personalized SIGG bottle is a must for environmentally conscious and smart travel. But even if you do not travel, you can still capture and make a gift of your most beautiful vacation memories of near and far-off lands as a photo motif on the bottle.

Protect the diversity of the earth with the help of other tips:
- prefer close travel destinations and avoid flights or long car trips
- pack sparingly
- support local economy (restaurants, groceries, ...) and self-cater
- bike or walk at the travel destination
- don’t throw garbage / plastic into nature
- respect animals and people