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Fantastic Easter eggs design ideas using dye

Dye and Design One-of-a-Kind Easter Eggs

Great Ideas for Self-Made Easter Decorations

Whether whole or hollowed, dyed, painted, or artistically decorated, Easter eggs are an integral part of any Easter basket and Easter decorations. Here we’ve gathered together several ideas on how you can simply create your very own one-of-a-kind Easter eggs. Let our ideas inspire you!

Natural Easter Eggs

You can use simple means to naturally spruce up your Easter eggs - you can use either hardboiled or hollowed-out eggs.

You can really make your Easter eggs grab people’s attention in an uncomplicated fashion by using some feathers either found in nature or in a craft store. Besides the feathers, all you’ll need is napkin glue and a soft brush or small foam applicator. You can use these tools to carefully glue the feathers on the egg while making sure to keep the small hairs on the feathers straight. The feathers should be relatively small and their shafts quite thin to ensure the feathers stick well to the eggs. After the glue is dry, you can add a second layer of napkin glue to make sure everything holds solid. The feathers can also easily be attached to the egg with a pretty ribbon or rope.


You can also design Easter eggs using pressed flowers: Carefully stick them to the Easter egg with glue and let them dry. Spring flowers such as snowdrops, crocuses or liverworts are perfect for this idea.

You can use the same idea as above with pre-pressed flower petals: just carefully glue them to the Easter egg with napkin glue and let the eggs dry. Early bloomers such as snowdrops, crocuses, or liverleaves work especially well for this idea. Violets are also well suited even though these often first bloom after Easter, thus making it necessary to press and dry them out the year before. You can either use petals still attached to the stem or simply use separated petals on a hollowed-out egg.

Eggs decorated with feathers

Naturally coloured Easter eggs

You can also brilliantly dye your Easter eggs with natural colours from vegetables, fruits, and herbal extracts. Use white eggs for best results. In addition, you can use the following depending on which colour(s) you decide on:

  • Green: Spinach
  • Red/blue: red cabbage
  • Yellow: Curcuma
  • Blue/purple: huckleberries
  • Pink/red: red beets or cranberry juice
  • Auburn: onionskins
  • Brown: coffee

Simply put both the eggs and colour ingredients in a pot, cover with water, and gently cook for 20 minutes. If you want a more intense colours, then cook for a little longer. After the 20 minutes are up, put the eggs in a heat-resistant container, cover the eggs with the liquid from the pot, and add one tablespoon of vinegar per 250 ml of liquid. After approximately 4-12 hours, remove the eggs from the liquid.


For the full Easter experience, you will need sweets and small gifts to go with your colorful eggs. You can find lots of great ideas of how you can use our photo gifts, such as Photo Coasters or Photo Mugs. You can find more inspiration here:

Easter Eggs with Photos

By using a very similar technique to transferring photos to wood, you can also design Easter eggs with your own personal photos.

All it takes is some napkin glue, a white egg, a brush, and a mirrored laser printout of your photo (cropped and cut to the right size for the egg). First cover the egg with a layer of napkin glue. Then attach the photo with the ink-side facing the egg. After that, cover the photo with a bit more glue.

When everything is dry, use a bit of lukewarm water and a dish sponge to carefully remove the paper from the egg. Once the egg is again dry, cover the image with some more glue. Done!

Cool sayings and patterns on Easter eggs

Easter Eggs with Sayings and Patterns

You can use a simple marker or paint stick to paint brilliant patterns or lettering on hollowed-out eggs. To make your Easter tree appear a bit more modern and tidy, it’s a good idea to use the same colour and paint different patterns and lettering. Alternatively, you could use different colours to paint the same pattern, for instance only striped or dotted Easter eggs. Your designs could be a simple pattern or something cool like hipster glasses or moustaches - There are no limits to your creativity

Easter eggs that are decorated with the line art are very popular on Pinterest. Simply take a thin Sharpie and draw abstract shapes with a single stroke. These little works of art turn out best if you draw your design using a soft pencil first. To add some more depth, you can add a splash of colour to the eggs.

Eggs decorated with line art

Easter Eggs with Varnish and Patterns

You could also use colourful nail polish remnants to give your Easter eggs more of a noble marble look. For this you’ll just need some hollowed-out white eggs, nail polish in various compatible colours, wooden skewers, and either empty yogurt containers or old glasses.

Cover your work area to make sure you don’t get any unsightly spots anywhere. Start out by filling up the yogurt container with enough water so the egg is completely submersed. Then pour in some nail polish (either crisscross or in a pattern). Then stick a skewer into the opening of the egg and speedily sink and raise the egg in the water. This will ensure the nail polish sticks to the egg. To make sure nothing gets mixed together, you then take another skewer and stick it through the other hole in the egg. After that, carefully let the egg dry for about two hours while resting over the container.


Create cool patterns and colour the eggs to match your decorations. Simply mask the egg with thin tape and paint the exposed areas with nail polish or craft paint.

The coloured eggs look particularly good in our Easter nest Photo Mugs. Just stuff them with some moss or wood wool and you have a great Easter gift idea.

Design a Photo Mug as an original Easter nest

Inspirations & gift ideas for Easter

We wish you a relaxed and enjoyable Easter with your loved ones and a successful Easter meal. Do you need some more inspiration? Browse through our articles and get ispired.

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