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Travelling with children: Our top tips

Travelling with children: Turn your family holiday into a sure-fire success!

When a baby is born, this fundamentally changes the parents’ lives. And that also includes travel! Particularly if your offspring is still very young, it is vital to plan accordingly. Whether accommodation, a packing list or activities, to ensure your holiday is as care-free as possible there are some tips you definitely have to keep in mind. In this article ifolor lists the most important tips for travelling with babies. Of course, these can also come in handy when travelling with older children.

Travelling with children: Turn your family holiday into a sure-fire success!

The best holiday destinations for babies and children

Vacation, all I ever wanted! But where to? Usually, there is a plethora of destinations to choose from. Whilst some prefer taking a holiday close to home, others like to travel the world once the baby is born. Of course, both options are acceptable and there is no right or wrong. What’s important is how you organise your trip. If you’re still in search of inspiration for your next holiday, here are the most popular destinations for families with children.

Travelling in Europe with babies and children

You don’t have to fly far for a wonderfully unusual holiday. Europe offers a wide variety of beautiful places that are highly suitable for children and babies. Some top destinations include Mediterranean countries such as Italy, France, Spain, Croatia and Greece. They are sunny with mild temperatures. That said, travelling in your own country is also becoming increasingly popular. For instance, Switzerland offers stunning destinations when it comes to rivers, mountains and lakes. Campsites are particularly popular with families as they can be easily reached by car, are usually situated in the midst of idyllic nature and offer many leisure activities that are particularly interesting for older children. If you are looking for the most beautiful campsites in Switzerland, ifolor has compiled a list of the top 10 for you.

Travel to faraway destinations is also possible

Do you prefer travelling to faraway destinations with your children? If so, you should make absolutely sure that your destination has good medical care. USA and Canada are certainly highly recommended because their large number of gorgeous national parks makes these countries popular destinations. Simply rent a caravan and explore the expansive landscapes together! If you prefer something more tropical, you can’t go wrong with either Thailand or Bali. Both destinations have a good infrastructure. In addition, both of these places practically worship little children! Destinations such as the United Arab Emirates and Japan also pride themselves on their hospitality. You can also enjoy a beach holiday with your child(ren) on islands such as the Maldives, the Seychelles and Mauritius.

Travelling with children: Tips for flying

Your offspring has arrived, and you have planned your first flight as a family? No doubt you have some questions about flight protocol. Most airlines allow children on board once they are seven to 14 days old. At this age, children’s little ears are still very sensitive, causing many parents to wait up to three months before travelling with their offspring. One plus point: Many airlines allow babies of up to two years to fly very inexpensively – or even for free – when they sit on their parents’ laps. For long flights it is however advisable to book children their own seats.

Here we have compiled further helpful tips for flying with children and babies:

  • As cabin pressurisation is often much harder for babies to tolerate than adults, the increasing pressure in the body may be painful for your offspring. Often, your little ones will start to cry and scream because of the unpleasant and unknown situation. You can however soothe your child suffering from cabin pressurisation by breastfeeding or letting your baby nurse on a bottle or dummy. If your child is a little older, moving the jaw and throat muscles, such as yawning, swallowing, chewing gum or eating, can help relieve the pain.
  • Airlines generally allow parents to bring their prams right to the aircraft. You can then give these to the cabin crew at the door to be stored in the aircraft’s hold. Once arrived at your destination, your pram will be returned to you at the door of the aircraft or you can pick it up at the luggage carousel.
  • Particularly children can easily grow bored on flights. Although the cabin crew normally offers young guests a few little things to occupy them, bringing your children’s own toys is mostly more fun. How about designing your own photo memo?!
Travelling with children: Tips for flying

Our top tips for road trips

Many people find driving with children to be the most practical travel option as this gives you independence as a family: You can store all your belongings in one place, and you don’t need to worry about disturbing other travellers if your baby starts to whine. Here too, however, there are a few things that you must not forget when going on holiday with a child or baby.

As infant car seats are not ergonomically practical for long drives, it is recommended to plan a one- to three-hour break to take your baby out of their seat. Particularly during the first three months of their lives, children’s spines are still very sensitive. Consequently, it is generally advised to avoid very long trips. It is also very important to never place the infant car seat behind an airbag. The area behind the driver is regarded as particularly safe. In addition, up to the age of 15 months, the infant’s face should always point away from the driving direction.

Our top tips for road trips

Essentials for travelling with children

You’ve booked your flight and hotel, and now it’s time to pack! This can be somewhat challenging with a baby, but it doesn’t have to be. ifolor has compiled a useful checklist for you, so that you won’t forget anything important when travelling with your offspring:


  • Passports for parents and child(ren)
  • Vaccination passports and health insurance cards
  • Travel health insurance if required
  • Booking confirmation of the hotel
  • Flight or train tickets if required
  • Payment methods such as debit cards, credit cards or cash
  • For certain faraway countries, it is important that you have your family booklet with you.

Clothing and accessories

  • Underwear and babygrows
  • T-shirts and long-sleeve shirts
  • Sweaters
  • Trousers and shorts
  • Socks and tights
  • Jacket
  • Nightwear
  • Sun hats and sunglasses
  • Swimwear
  • UV clothing
  • Hat, scarf and gloves
  • Baby shoes
  • Water shoes
  • Raincoat
  • Dummy
  • Bib

Hygiene items

  • Nappies
  • Wet wipes
  • Changing mat
  • Diaper cream
  • Body oil or body lotion
  • Shampoo and shower gel
  • Sun cream with high UV protection
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Hairbrush
  • Flannel
  • Towels
  • Waste bags
  • Travel detergent

Travel medical kit

  • Nasal spray
  • Throat tablets
  • Cough syrup
  • Thermometer
  • Plasters
  • Compresses and bandages
  • Disinfectant spray
  • Wound ointment
  • Insect spray and ointment for insect stings
  • Various medications such as painkillers, anti-nausea tablets, etc.

For on the road

  • Pram
  • Infant seat
  • Baby carrier or sling
  • Baby changing bag
  • Food and drinks
  • Toys and teddies
  • Blanket such as the ifolor photo blanket you cand design yourself
  • Cushion

For the beach

  • Parasol or beach tent
  • Beach towels
  • Beach toys
  • Water wings, buoyancy rings etc

We hope these tips help you on your first trip with your kids, and wish you a most wonderful holiday with your family. After your holiday, why not record your most beautiful moments in an individual photo album by ifolor? Or you can choose your favourite photo, and have it printed on a photo T-shirt. These are available for the whole family!

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