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12 tips on how to take better photos

Every photographer expert knows these tips

12 tips on how to take better photos

Do you want to take better photos? No problem: by following the tips and tricks below you will be taking better photos in no time at all. Previous advice and tips on how to take good photos still apply in this digital day and age.

1. When the sun is shining, use aperture eight

This aperture setting is usually the best compromise for guaranteeing that image details in bright light will still be visible. Automatic exposure programmes are sometimes weak and they can distort the colours.

2. Photographing movement with an open aperture

This refers to moving objects as the more open the aperture is (= small f-number), the shorter the shutter speed is. This way the movement will not appear blurry and it can be stopped at the right moment.

3. Open aperture = a blurry background

The more open the aperture is, the shallower the depth of field will be, which means that the background will have a lovely blurry effect. It also applies to the following rule: if you use aperture 2.8, then a fantastic bokeh effect will appear.

4. Closed aperture = a larger depth of field

The depth of field increases when you choose a larger f-number (i.e. the "smaller", i.e. more closed, the aperture is). Any values above 8 to 11 make it possible to focus not only on the foreground, but it is also important to note that the shutter speed or the ISO number must be increased.

5. Photography tip: getting the most out of the golden hour

The well-known photography term golden hour takes place twice a day, once just after the sun has risen and one just before the sun sets. This means that the sun is low and it makes everything appear in an orange-reddish light, which causes long shafts of light and it creates a beautiful atmosphere to shoot some photos in. The sun can be considered a "helping hand for photographers".

6. Midday sun

The bright midday sun is often avoided by photographers because the strong light can often take over, which means that any darker elements will not be very visible and the bright light can end up dominating the photo. This will make the overall photo look quite unclear. It’s recommended to avoid this time of day and to take a siesta. After your siesta and you feel rested and refreshed, you can start to take some photos in much better lighting conditions.

7. The very important blue hour

When the sun begins to set the sky starts to turn blue. The contrasts are softened and the light creates a fantastic mood. Afterwards: when it is almost night time, it is recommended to use aperture 2.8. This time of day is always stunning and it is one of the best times to reach for your camera to shoot some great shots. The trick is to take advantage of this time of day and get creative by capturing the beautiful light.

8. Photography tip: be mindful when using a flash

Opposites seem to attract and this applies even to simple rules: if the sun isn’t shining, then you will quickly need to use the flash. However, be careful with a direct flash, otherwise, the faces in the photos will appear overexposed in contrast to the background.

Backlit photography

9. Paying special attention to the ISO number

Those who prefer not to use a flash should first open the aperture and then go to the shutter speed and ISO settings. This photography tip refers to the noise of the ISO setting that is too high when it is set from ISO 800 to 1600, depending on the camera.

10. It’s all about getting the right angle

Sometimes it is a good idea to change the angle at which you want to take a photo. It is also a good idea to try and look for somewhere you can get a better view or even sometimes getting down on one knee can be enough to get a good, detailed picture. Good composition is sometimes also the art of omission.

11. The background is just as important

As a rule, the background of a picture shouldn’t be too busy nor too colourful, otherwise, it distracts the viewer from the actual subject. For landscape shots, it’s the opposite way round because the shots need more depth. Adopting the following principle will make it easier to remember: the foreground makes a picture healthy.

12. Photography tip: Raw format

If your digital camera can save images in RAW format, i.e. uncompressed, you should use this method. This makes it much easier to edit your pictures.

The best way to improve is to practice taking lots of photos whilst adopting the tips and advice mentioned above.  Here you can find out more on this topic Tips & Advice.



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