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a creative marriage proposal

A Creative Marriage Proposal

Send the good news using a photo album

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A fancy meal in the hotel, a romantic tête-à-tête – the perfect moment to ask the important question. This doesn’t necessarily mean things have to happen in the traditional way, as Rosa and Erkan's story shows us.

A marriage proposal should be well planned, as you normally experience a good bit of nervousness in this situation! This is what Erkan thought when he wanted to ask his girlfriend Rosa the all-important question. This is why he prepared himself perfectly: In October 2015, Erkan designed a photo album with the couple's most wonderful moments. He presented her with this album after an elegant dinner. His girlfriend Rosa was delighted to look over their best moments spent together.

While Rosa turned the pages, Erkan was watching carefully to ensure that she looked at the book from the beginning to the end and didn't skip any pages – then the surprise would be ruined! On the last page of the photo album, he had placed the all-important question:

It was a big surprise, as Rosa had almost counted on him proposing that evening. Erkan had made an effort to dress up that evening. When nothing like that happened during the meal, she thought no more about it. Her reaction was just as emotional when he knelt down in front of her and popped the question. The photo album has a lot of meaning for both of them. “When I leafed through the pages, around 2 and a half years later, all the emotions from that moment came back. It’s beautiful that this special moment is preserved in this album”, says Rosa.”

But was the proposal how she had wanted it? “I had imagined the proposal to be completely different. In public, maybe with friends to help him – but it was just perfect that way, an intimate moment with just the two of us.” There are no pictures of this evening apart from a picture taken during their dinner. But they don’t need that at all, as the memories come flooding back as soon as the pair pick up the photo album. The couple have now been happily married for almost two years.

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