Original Easter decorations ideas for your home
Creative ideas using your favourite photos
Easter is the perfect occasion to bring back once again a bit of fresh colour into your home and change out your winter decorations for new Easter decorations. Here we’ll show you three original DIY decoration ideas for Easter, which you can use to lend a completely personalised and springlike touch to your home.
Spring Flower Bulb in a Photo Mug for Your Windowsill
The first colourful early bloomers drive off the greyness of winter and ring in the long-awaited spring. Bring a bit of this colourful reawakening into your own home and create a completely original Easter decoration using a self-designed photo mug and a flower bulb.

You’ll need:
- Sprouting bulbs
- Photo mug(s)
- Pebbles
- Some moss and/or soil
First start out by designing an Easter-themed photo mug with photos from your last Easter celebration with your loved ones or suitable spring motifs. Discover our various design templates that you can use to design your mug with one or several photos as well as text. Under the “Occasion” tab, you can also filter results to view Easter-themed layouts. We recommend going with a simple design for your photo mug so your colourful early bloomers are best displayed once inside.
Usually, bulbs are planted in soil ahead of time in the fall so they can already begin to sprout in the spring once the amount of sunlight begins to increase. For your Easter decoration, you could alternatively buy hyacinth, daffodil, tulip bulbs (or others) that have already begun to sprout.
Here’s how it’s done:
- Fill the photo mug about 2/3 full (depending on the size of the bulb) with pebbles
- Pour water into the photo mug
- Set the bulb on the pebbles
- Decoratively cover the pebbles with moss and/or soil
In order to ensure the bulbs can correctly grow and flower, the roots should be in direct contact with the water. The pebbles help prevent the bulb from being completely submersed in the water and rotting. Also, the bulb itself should protrude about two to three centimetres out of the mug to ensure it absorbs enough sunlight. You can use a bit of soil and moss to decoratively embed the bulb a bit and you’re already done creating your vernal Easter decoration for your windowsill.
Only use one bulb per mug to ensure the bulb has enough space to root. Should you wish to decorate with multiple bulbs, it’s best to do this using multiple photo mugs.
Create Shadow Boxes with Photos and Easter Elements

A spring theme for your living room
With an individually designed Photo Pillow or Photo Blanket, you can breathe a breath of fresh air into your sofa. Give your sofa a sprint theme using your own photos. You can choose from various design templates and, if you like, add a full picture with text, create a colourful collage, or print a nice poem on your spring-themed cushion.
Complete the Easter decorations on your sofa with a personalised blanket: you can create a great Photo Blanket to match your spring-themed Photo Pillow. Choose from three sizes and one or more photos in your design. A collage is automatically created from your pictures and using the dynamic layout, you can change how it looks as you wish. You can also easily add text fields.

Creative Easter wreath with Square Prints
You can create a real eye-catcher for your wall with an Easter wreath and a photo print! You can make the Easter wreath yourself from a wooden hoop and fresh twigs or buy from a florist. Depending on the size of the wreath, you can hang one or more photos in the wreath with a ribbon. Square prints with a white border are the best choice for modern Easter decorations.
What you need:
- An Easter wreath of any size (made and ready for decoration).
- One or more Square Print photos
- Decorative elements for the wreath
- Ribbon to attach the photo
You can also use washi tape to attach your Square Photos to the wall to make a colourful spring collage. Alternatively, you can stretch a string on the wall or in a frame to attach the pictures with small pegs.

Create a fresh-looking spring canvas
If you would like your wall decorations to match the season, canvases are perfect for this. For example, you can order a canvas showing your favourite spring-themed photos. Whether you arrange them next to each other, as a collage, or spread them around your home, these natural-looking canvases will add a spring touch to your walls.
Create Easter-Themed Garden Stakes with Your Own Photos
Garden stakes are available in stores in many various designs for decorating plant containers and flowerpots. With the coming of Easter and spring, they’re ideal for quickly and easily adding a few decorative elements. You can use self-made garden stakes designed with your own photos to lend an especially personal touch to your Easter decorations.

You’ll need:
- Photo prints of your most favourite motifs from spring or from your last Easter celebration
- Easter-themed stencils
- A pair of scissors and a pencil
- Wooden sticks or tongue depressors
- Tape or decorative washi tape
For your self-made Easter garden stakes, motifs with fresh colours such as a spring walk taken together with loved ones or the plethora of colourful flowers in your garden work well. You can order your ifolor digital photos in various formats and sizes. You’ll be able to find the perfect format for your photos to fit with the corresponding size of your garden stakes.
Here’s how it’s done:
- Print out stencils of Easter eggs, Easter bunnies or something similar or alternatively make them yourself out of cardboard
- Trace around the edge of the stencil on the reverse side of your photos
- Cut the photos to size using the templates
- Affix the photos to your wooden sticks or tongue depressors with tape or washi tape
- Decorate your flowerpots with your DIY Easter stakes
Use the large shapes as stencils and make sure that the main subject of the picture is not cut off when applying the stencil.
You could alternatively use square-formatted photos such as the ifolor square prints with a white border. You could then immediately use these to create your garden stakes without having to first cut them down to size. These will also give your favourite Easter motifs a modern and personalised touch.
Designs for your DIY Easter decoration
For your Ester decoration, spring-themed designs and pictures of you and your loved ones are the best choice. For example, photos of the last Easter’s celebration, or of blossoming flowers in the garden, or a beautiful spring walk. Depending on the idea, you should pay attention to the size of the main subject in the picture so that it looks good when its on your wall. Alternatively, you can also use favourite sayings or quotes for your Easter decoration.
With self-made Photo Stickers, you can easily create an Easter feeling by decorating vases, flower pots or even Easter eggs with them.