Design your own solemn sympathy cards
This is how you write a sympathy card as a condolence message
The loss of a loved one triggers many feelings and emotions in those around them. With the help of a sympathy card or condolence card, you can share the message of your sympathy with all relatives of the deceased and thus solemnly remember the deceased.
But how do you find the right words and what should a sympathy card look like? Since the loss of a loved one is a sensitive topic, there are a few things to consider when you write and create the card. We will show you how you can design your own individual sympathy card with personal formulations and comforting words.
How to write a sympathy card
Express your compassion and sympathy in a self-designed sympathy card. Don't let too much time go by. If you heard of bereavement among friends and acquaintances, it is advisable to react as soon as possible by writing a condolence card. Especially in the first days of mourning, close relatives need encouragement as well as words of comfort. A handwritten card is especially nice. You can address the sympathy card to the whole family of the deceased or to a single person. When formulating it, be careful not to use superficial phrases such as “Time heals all wounds”. Take your time and don't see it as a duty.

The right salutation on the sympathy card
Depending on how close you are to the deceased and his or her relatives, you should adjust your choice of words and salutation accordingly. If it is a distant acquaintance, more formal formulations are recommended, such as “Dear family ...”. If you were very close to the deceased, “Dearest…” would be the right choice.
Formulating personal words and wishes for relatives
It is especially difficult to formulate an introduction. At the beginning, it’s a good idea to mention how you heard about the bereavement and how you felt about it. Formulations such as “I have just heard of the death of your wife / husband and I am deeply shaken.” or “It has been very difficult for me to find the right words for this inconceivable loss” are good ones to start with. If you want to personalize the sympathy card and create a relation between you and the deceased, you can incorporate personal memories and experiences. Examples of this are: “How fondly I remember our time together at the club.” or “I will remember him / her as a loving person”.

In addition to personal memories and sympathy, you should offer your help to the family and express wishes for the future. Depending on how close you are to the bereaved, phrases like: “If you need someone to talk to, I'll be there for you” or “If you need someone to do the shopping, please give me a call” are certainly appropriate. Use these words to express your wishes for the future: “I wish you a lot of strength for the coming period” or “A lot of strength and confidence despite the painful loss”. Use the end of the text to once again express sympathy and compassion. If you are very close to the relatives, the following phrases will be suitable for a farewell greeting: "Hugs and kisses" or "In friendship". If you want to make it a little more formal, the following phrases would work: "In heartfelt sympathy" or "In loving memory".

Design your won sympathy card: a variety of design options
The centrepiece of a sympathy card is your personal words that express your sympathy. Emphasise this personal character by designing your own individual sympathy card. There is a wide range of options available to you.
Use our single Greeting card, folded including an envelope, to design a solemn and personal sympathy card.

Keep the design simple and avoid colourful decorations. Depending on how close you are to the relatives, different kinds of motifs would work. If you want to design a more formal sympathy card, neutral nature motifs such as a dandelion or a jetty are suitable, for example. If you are in closer contact with the family of the deceased, you can design the sympathy card with a picture of the deceased. When choosing the motifs, make sure that they are not too colourful and that the deceased is depicted solemnly. A black and white picture is always appropriate. A collage with a mixture of childhood photos, more recent shots and quotes is also a nice way to remember the deceased and to express your deep sympathy. You can also use our sympathy templates in the online editor to design the sympathy card. You can also insert a suitable quote or a short saying here.