From the ultrasound image to the first step: Recording the development of your little miracle will prove worthwhile, at the latest when your child is old enough to see it for themselves. At the very beginning of your pregnancy, there are many opportunities and possibilities to take breathtaking photos and do great things with them. For many, this begins with the ultrasound image and the announcement of the pregnancy to friends and family. You can use props such as the ultrasound image, flowers, baby clothes, or Scrabble tokens to create an artistic effect. The excitement doesn't end: A small person grows in your belly and soon you can see this - clearly and distinctly. In the weeks shortly before birth, your belly can be staged perfectly and this is when the golden hour for pregnancy photography arrives. Both at home and in the photo studio: With the right poses and camera angles, unbelievably beautiful pictures are created that immortalise your baby belly in all its glory! Because soon, your belly will have disappeared and your little miracle will be in your arms. Every day, your baby develops more and there are countless opportunities to take unique photos. But the road from the idea to the picture can be a stony one, because whether baby smiles or cries can not be controlled easily, even by Mum or Dad. Here, a professional photographer can be really worthwhile, also when it comes to really good family photos. In this ebook you will find ideas and tips for taking photos of your little miracle from the very beginning.
Announcing your pregnancy is an exciting affair. Many couples can't wait to share the news with their friends and family and celebrate together. Usually, couples wait until the 12th week of pregnancy before informing their loved ones. Nowadays, many people even turn it into a whole event in itself. This really is where photos get their chance to shine in supporting you. Even if you don't have a baby belly to show yet, there are many creative ways you can skilfully take photos to bring across your message. The big advantage here is that you can use your high-quality photos for much more than 'just' the announcement, for example for your family photo book or other lovely home decorations. In this ebook we show you how you can achieve this. The important thing with this kind of photography is to use hints and other aids that underline your news in the picture. You decide whether you want to announce this new life as a couple, as a mum, only with the help of clues, or also using the ultrasound image. With the right camera angles and skilful placement of decorations and props, nothing stands in the way of your very creative pregnancy announcement.
Changes do not only take place inside the womb - from the outside, week by week, it becomes clearer that you carry new life within you. There are countless creative ways to capture the process. For example, you can take weekly photos in identical poses and outfits to get an exciting series of photos of your baby's growth. Showcasing your belly properly and making the best use of light and shade can be challenging. A professional photographer knows the pitfalls and knows how to use them to his - and ultimately your - advantage. But you can also hold a photo shoot during your pregnancy with your own camera or even your smartphone. Here, you have to consider some important things. This ebook helps you with this as well as finding new and creative ideas for your photos.
Soft skin, tiny hands and feet and a simply angelic face: Babies are practically made for photography. The photos with the little ones convey emotion and have something magical about them. But babies often have a completely different agenda than lying there peacefully and with an angel's smile, posing for the photo. Obtaining a good picture while the baby is awake is more difficult than you might think. But there are some ways for you to get beautiful and sharp pictures. Above all, it is important not to forget to enjoy the moments and not to chase after the perfect photo all day long. As beautiful as photos may be, the moments want to be experienced first and foremost and only captured with the camera, not viewed through it. For the right camera settings and tips and tricks for preparing for newborn photography, this ebook is the perfect choice.
Whether it's a large family, a family with pets or simply a mother, father and child: It's not always easy to get everyone together, especially when it comes to photos. One time, the four-legged friend runs away, the other time the dear husband looks bored. Preparation is everything in family photography. As long as you know exactly what your photo should look like, taking photos can be a lot easier and you quickly get to that valuable family photo. You'll find the right advice and ideas in this ebook. For pets with a very strong will of their own or attitude, it is best to have a few treats ready. You should also think of the scenery beforehand. The most natural and beautiful photos are those taken in an environment where you feel comfortable. This can be in your home or a park you like to visit or another place important to you and your family. The photos don't appear staged and you can combine your shooting with a nice family outing. Use this ebook to collect ideas for your family photos and prepare yourself perfectly for them.