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What to Write in a Thank You Card

What to Write in a Thank You Card

When was the last time you thanked someone and made them feel special? There are countless occasions when you can say thank you to somebody. It's easy to say ‘thank you’ in passing, but it's even nicer to take the time to personally thank the important people in your life. Individually designing a thank you card and adding a wonderful message to say a big thank you to that special person in your life.

Below we have put listed some messages and sayings to help you get inspired.

Saying a Big Thank You to Your Family and Friends

Show your family and friends how much you appreciate them! Whether you would like to thank them for something special or simply just say thank you for always being there for you. Below you will find some wonderful sayings to express your gratitude:

  • ‘’Thank you for being a ray of sunshine even on my darkest days.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for making me smile like every day. Thank you for making me happy.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’There are many things which I am thankful for in my life, and you are at the top of my list.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Thank you for your love, support, and encouragement!’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Thank you for brightening my world.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Thank you for being there. I truly don’t know what I would have done without you.’’ (Unknown)


An individually designed photo greetings card is a lovely way to show your gratitude. Alternatively,  you can design and personalise a photo book full of wonderful memories to say thank you to your parents, friends or partner.

Ideas on what to write in a thank you card.

Thanking Someone for an Invite

Whether you are accepting or unfortunately declining an invitation, saying a heartfelt thank you to the person for thinking of you and sending an invitation to their birthday, wedding or dinner party is always a great idea.

  • ‘’Thank you for the invitation to your wedding. I am looking forward to seeing you and being a part of your special day.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’I am honoured to be invited.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Big thanks for the dinner party invite. Your cooking is incredible and we are very much looking forward to a great evening with fantastic company and delicious food.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Thank you for thinking of me. I am so sorry that I cannot attend due to other commitments.” (Unknown)
  • ‘’Thank you for the invite. I am honoured; however, I will not be able to attend because I have another commitment on that day.’’ (Unknown)
  • As much as I would love to attend your party, I have to finish a work project by that day, so unfortunately, I won't be able to make it. However, I hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration and make some great memories with your loved ones and I can’t wait to hear all about it." (Unknown)

Saying Thank You for Your Birthday Wishes and Gifts

A thank you card is a lovely gesture for when people think of you on your birthday. You can send a thank you card to say thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes, cards and gifts!

Birthday Wishes:

  • ‘’Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes!’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’I feel so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for your birthday wishes!’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Thanks for making my birthday memorable!’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Your kind words made my day so special. Thank you!’’ (Unknown)

Birthday Gifts:

  • ‘’Your gift really made me smile.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Every time I look at your gift, I'll think of our friendship.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’You know me so well! Thanks for the gift.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Receiving your thoughtful present really made my day.’’ (Unknown)

Has someone you know just had a baby and you don’t know what you should write in your card? In the following article we have put together some messages and best wishes for newborn babies: What to Write in a Newborn Baby Card

Sending someone a thank you card to say thank you.

Thanking Your Colleagues

Would you like to say a big thank to your boss or work colleagues for their help and support? If you change jobs or retire sending them a thank you card is a great way to express your gratitude and show your appreciation.

  • "I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for being such an amazing colleague. Your support, both personally and professionally, has been instrumental in my growth and success." (Unknown)
  • "Thank you for being a constant pillar of support during challenging times. Your encouragement and belief in me have helped me overcome obstacles and achieve my goals." (Unknown)
  • "I can't express enough how thankful I am for your support. Your positive attitude and willingness to lend a hand have made working together a truly enjoyable experience." (Unknown)
  • ‘’Thank you for always being a great team member and a valued friend.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Thanks for all your help and support. I don't know what I would do without you.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Thanks for your help and guidance in making a difficult task easy! Appreciate the support.’’ (Unknown)

Photo mugs are the perfect gift for your boss or your work colleagues. You can individually design your own photo mug with a fantastic photo or a funny saying. They will look fabulous on any desk and are perfect for cups of tea or coffee.

Saying Thank You for a Sympathy Card

Losing someone close to you is always a very difficult time, but times like these really make us appreciate our family and friends for all their love and support. Sending them a thank you card to say thank you for thinking of you at this difficult time is a lovely gesture that will be greatly appreciated.

  • ‘’Thank you for thinking of our family at this difficult time. Your card was sincerely appreciated.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Your sympathy card was so kind and very much appreciated. You are such a thoughtful friend.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Thank you so much for your sympathy card. I truly appreciated the kind words. Many thanks again for thinking of me.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Your support truly made a difference during this difficult time.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Thank you for your love and kind words of support.’’ (Unknown)
  • ‘’Many thanks for the sympathy card, I will always remember your kindness.’’ (Unknown)

Thank You Quotes

Thank You Quotes

There are a lot of times in our lives when we can say thank you to family and friends for their always being there for us, especially when we need them the most.

Below are a couple of quotes to help you get inspired:

  • ‘’I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.’’ (G.K. Chesterton)
  • ‘’Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.’’ (Marcel Proust)
  • ‘’I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks…’’ (William Shakespeare)
  • ‘’Gratitude is the memory of the heart.’’ (Jean Baptiste Massieu)
  • ‘’How beautiful a day can be, when kindness touches it!’’ (George Elliston)
  • ‘’A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues.’’ (Marcus Tullius Cicero)


Hopefully we have been able to inspire you with our sayings and ideas for thank you cards. You can get creative and individually design your own thank you card and choose a saying or quote to finish off your card. If you are still looking for some design ideas for your thank you card, we have lots of templates to choose from. You could add the finishing touches to your individually designed photo gift of card with a poem.

An individually designed thank you card.

How to Say Thank You in Different Languages

Arabic: Chokrane

Albanian: Faleminderit

Bulgarian: Blagodaria

Croatian: Hvala

Dutch: Dank u wel or Dank je wel

Danish: Tak

French: Merci

Finnish: Kiitos

Gaelic: Go raibh maith agat

German: Danke

Greek: Efharisto

Hawaiian: Mahalo

Hungarian: Köszönöm

Italian: Grazie

Indonesian: Terima kasih

Japanese: Arigato

Korean: Gamsahabnida

Mandarin: Xièxie

Norwegian: Takk

Polish: Dziękuję

Portuguese: Obrigada or Obrigado

Russian: Spaciba

Spanish: Gracias

Swedish: Tack

Thai: Koorb kunn ka

Turkish: Teşekkür Ederim

Ukrainian: Diakuiu

Welsh: Diolch



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