How can I find the right words when writing a greeting card?
No matter what the reason behind them – a birth, birthday, wedding or death of a loved one – cards are always very personal gestures and are a way of showing our family and friends what they mean to us. Today I’ll show you how to always find the right words to express your feelings in any situation.
First things first: Very few people find it easy to find the right words to express themselves. But it’s the thought that counts, after all! So the advice I would give to you is: no matter how you think it looks, it’s better to write your card by hand. This shows the recipient that they are worth the time it has taken for you to do so.
And this brings us to my next tip: Really take the time you need to put your thoughts and feelings into words. You might find it helpful to write up a draft beforehand and then copy this into the card – but don’t forget to check it for spelling errors first!

Everyone is different, so do what feels right for you. Avoid superficial phrases and clichés to ensure your card is as personal and individual as possible. For the same reason, it’s also better to design your card yourself than it is to make do with a premade one. With us you can find all kinds of different options! The photo greeting cards from ifolor can be ordered in a range of shapes and sizes, and the different layouts allow you to design the card to your individual requirements.
The birth of a child is a major life event for a family – no matter whether it’s their first or even their third child! For me, it’s really important that greeting cards are given a personal touch. That means that I try to express my own excitement and emotions in my own words. Is that something you find difficult? Then maybe try showing how you feel about a friendship first. There are sure to be some beautiful or funny moments that you shared together during the pregnancy and that you can include in your card.
A card congratulating the new parents on the birth is also a great way to find out more about the new addition to the family. Show some interest and ask about the baby’s name, size, weight or whether it’s a boy or a girl – that's assuming you don’t know these things already of course! The proud parents will be only too happy to tell you more about their little bundle of joy.
And don’t forget: always end your card with personal wishes for the parents and their baby!

It seems like writing a birthday card should be the easiest thing in the world. But for me personally it’s a bit of a challenge. How can I write a birthday card in a way that is both special and personal? How can I write a card that stands out from all those written in the years before this one?
I always start by asking myself: Who am I writing this card for? Who is it that’s celebrating their birthday? Because I wouldn’t write to my boss the same way as I would to my grandmother – and a milestone birthday is seen as being more significant than other birthdays.
The great thing about birthday cards is that they can also be funny or tongue in cheek. So you can share amusing anecdotes that come to mind when you think of the person whose birthday it is, but don’t forget to highlight their positive qualities too.

A card written to the happy couple should always reflect your good intentions and the newlyweds’ life goals. Depending on how well you know the couple and how close you are, you could include some information in your message to make it more personal.
A good idea when writing a wedding card is to match it to the wedding’s theme. Whether it’s traditional, romantic or fun – the theme is a reflection of the couple’s relationship. Or you can think about what you would like to see in a card for your own wedding.
For a wedding card, you should always play it safe: avoid risqué or ambiguous language as well as wistful quotes or poetry.

A little tip: Include a few photos as a memento with the card. Not only will this show the effort you’ve put in and reflect your personal relationship with the couple, but it will also provide a sweet keepsake. No matter whether recent photos or older ones from when you were growing up together – they’re sure to be appreciated!
With ifolor you can order photos in all shapes and sizes for your personal greeting card!
Sympathy cards
Many people find it difficult to pass on their condolences, since it isn’t easy to find the right words for a sympathy card. And yet this card is probably one of the most important you will ever write, since it shows the person’s immediate family that you’re there for them and sending them the strength to get through these challenging times.
Death is a sensitive topic, which is why there is a lot to be aware of when writing a sympathy card. Try to avoid clichés, but don’t skirt around the word “death”.
A good way to start is to say a few words about how the death has affected people. Show your feelings of disbelief or sadness, reflecting how you too have been affected. It is also a great comfort to know that the person who has died will not be forgotten and lives on in some way in the hearts of others. Offer those left behind your support and positive wishes and hope for the future.

You’ll often find the words to express how you’re feeling in well-known quotes and poems, but worded in a much more concise and well-written way. These can work well for the first empty page on the inside of the card. The most important thing is that you understand the quotes yourself too.
New baby message ideas
- All the best for your little [First name] May she/he have a wonderful life ahead of her/him!
- Hurray, [First name] has arrived! We want to congratulate you on the birth of your new baby and wish you all the best and love from us!
- Congratulations, mum and dad! Wishing you lots of enjoyable moments together as a new family of [three, four, five etc.]. Have fun!
- Congratulations! Look forward to the loudest, longest, most stressful, sleepless… and best nights of your lives!
- Great news about the new addition to your family!
- Congratulations and have lots of fun together! 50% papa, 50% mama, 100% [First name]! Congratulations on the birth of your son/daughter!
Fun birthday messages
- I wish you friendship, happiness
and all your heart’s desires. - I want to celebrate all the things that make you so special with you. Not just on your birthday – but on every other day of the year too!
- I’m telling you, you shouldn’t worry about getting older. No-one ever said you have to grow old gracefully after all!
- My card might be arriving a little late but this doesn’t mean the thought behind it is any less: May all your plans for this year work out even better than you’d expected!
- I’m late to say “have the best birthday ever!” but then again, better late than never… With that being said, I hope it was all you hoped for… and more!
Quotes for wedding cards
- Happiness is the only thing you end up with twice as much of when you share it. – Albert Schweitzer
- Old age does not protect against love, but love protects against aging. – Coco Chanel
- Love alone knows the secret of making gifts to others and getting rich within. – Clemens von Brentano
- Love is a feast – it not only needs to be prepared, but also celebrated. – Plato
- Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Quotes to bring comfort when someone dies
- Death cannot take away what you own deep down in your heart. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Memories are tiny stars that shine a consoling light in the darkness of our sorrow. – Unknown
- You live twice: once in reality; the second time, in memories. - Honoré de Balzac
- But the same thing that gives meaning to life also gives meaning to death. It’s easy to pass away when it’s in the nature of things. – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
- It is love, not reason, that is stronger than death. – Thomas Mann

Samira Hammami
Samira is actually an art history student, but she has always had a passion for writing. It all started with small blog articles about her biggest hobby: traveling.
Now she writes about all sorts of creative aspects of life, and for some time she has also been supporting ifolor with her articles. Because she is most drawn towards reporting she is especially happy to be starting a master degree course in Cultural Journalism in September.