Service & contact

Do you have any questions, or are you looking for more product information? Try our search help tool, which will bring up possible answers to your questions or concerns. Can’t find an answer to your question? Get in touch with us using the contact form. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Order channel (to deal with your question more efficient, please select which order channel you used to design your product)
Order channel
  • ifolor Website
  • ifolor Designer for Windows
  • ifolor Designer for Mac
  • ifolor App for iOS
  • ifolor App for Android
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Postal address:

Ifolor AG
Sonnenwiesenstrasse 2
8280 Kreuzlingen

Call us:

Monday to Friday
8:00 - 21:00
Hotline: +41 (0) 71 686 54 54

E-mail adress: